1. Research, Research, Research.
Before starting any new business, find a market that is going to be profitable. Sit down, identify some of your areas of interest. Use keyword research to get to know the desires of your potential customers. Get to know your market well, and limit your investment until you know it will be a success.
2. Stand out from the crowd.
Don't choose a market that is already saturated if you are just starting out. Chances of failing are higher, and this can be disheartening. Choose a market that you can easily dominate, with competition that is either poor or limited.
3. Information marketing.
If you are able to produce a simple book that fills a need, this is a lucrative method of making money. E-books require no ongoing production expenses and can be an almost 100% profit margin.
4. Persistence and Discipline.
Internet marketing requires commitment of time to sit down and do some work every day. It does not need to be for long, but you do need to do it. Nothing happens with big dreams but no action.
5. Be an Expert
Get to know you niche well. Use forums to gain a better understanding. Write lots of articles and begin to get your name branded as an expert in that field. Submit blogs and articles to directories to start to create traffic back to your site.
6. Try before you buy.
When using pay per click or other forms of advertising write multiple campaigns. Test these for response before committing money to this. Target buyers only. Lots of visitors or clicks do not mean sales conversions.
7. Learn to write good copy.
There are lots of great books and advice out there to write compelling copy for your product. It must be attention grabbing and able to maintain interest.
8. Capture emails
List building is essential. Without this you are unable to continue to contact your target market to advise them of you products, or more importantly what benefits they offer them. Also, providing good quality content emails with information and advice (no sales) builds trust.
9. Joint Venture
There is no better way to develop cross promotion and get other people working for you than to establish joint venture relationships. By offering a fair share of the profits to owners of websites or complimentary products, you can significantly increase your profits with very little additional effort.
10. Knowledge is power.
There are many ways to approach internet marketing, but to be successful you need to have good systems in place. Find an honest and well known mentor, and consider purchasing a good quality education program. If you are new, do your research well as there is lots of misinformation out there as well as fantastic programs.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Top 5 Tax saving Mutual Fund Schemes
Top 5 Tax saving Mutual Fund Schemes
Invest in these Schemes for best of Safety and Returns
Most of us have received emails from our HR/Admin asking us to submit the proof of Investments for the purpose of Tax Savings before a specified date and I am sure a lot of us are still in thinking mode as to where to invest for Tax savings. I had written a post last year (How to Invest for Tax Savings?) on the various avenues of tax savings and one more post on Top 5 tax saving funds. Well things have changed from last year in terms of stock market performance and it’s right time to review which tax saving or ELSS (Equity linked saving schemes) should we invest in. More Details: http://katamsrinivas.wordpress.com/2008/02/22/top-5-tax-saving-mutual-fund-schemes/
Invest in these Schemes for best of Safety and Returns
Most of us have received emails from our HR/Admin asking us to submit the proof of Investments for the purpose of Tax Savings before a specified date and I am sure a lot of us are still in thinking mode as to where to invest for Tax savings. I had written a post last year (How to Invest for Tax Savings?) on the various avenues of tax savings and one more post on Top 5 tax saving funds. Well things have changed from last year in terms of stock market performance and it’s right time to review which tax saving or ELSS (Equity linked saving schemes) should we invest in. More Details: http://katamsrinivas.wordpress.com/2008/02/22/top-5-tax-saving-mutual-fund-schemes/
Sunday, February 17, 2008
7 Social Networks where you can get Relevant Links
by: Esteban Panzera
When getting links, the most important thing is to get them on pages that are relevant to our website’s content. Sometimes it can be difficult to get this kind of links, so what we can do is generate new pages that are relevant to our website’s content and link from them to our site. This way we would be getting one way relevant links, but the problem is that the new pages wouldn’t have any authority, so what we can use is social networks to accomplish this task. Here I will show you 7 social networks where you can get relevant links:
On Flickr, you can add links as a description of the images, and you can also add them to your profile page, but I would recommend the first option.To do this, you have to create an account at Flickr (or log in if you already have one) and go to Upload Photos, there you would have to pick the photo you would like to upload (this doesn’t matter, just make it public), and then choose a Title (your keywords here), and on the description you would have to add a link to your site using HTML.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: YesKeywords in URL: Yes
On LinkedIn you just have to create a new account and fill the details using the keyword you want to rank for on First Name and Second Name fields. Both mixed should make the keyword you want to rank for.After that just go to the My Profile tab and click on add website, there click on other from the dropdown and choose the Title and URL you want for your link.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content link: NoKeywords in URL: Yes
On Stage6 we will be getting a link from our profile page, but you can also get one from Videos, the process is more or less the same. First we will create an account and as username we will use the keywords we want to rank for (if it is more than 1 separate them with an underscore “_”). After you have completed the account creation click on the edit profile button and enter your link and any text you may want to add to the about page (the link can’t be added using HTML, instead you will have to use this [http://www.urlhere.com Anchor Text Here]).
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content link: YesKeywords in URL: Yes
On Del.icio.us, the social bookmarking site, we have to create a new account using as username the keywords we want to target. Again, if it is more than 1 word we have to separate it using an underscore “_”. Then just click on the post link and enter the details for your link, use Description as Anchor Text.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: NoKeywords in URL: Yes
On Squidoo create a new account (or login if you already have one), and create a new lens. As title use the keywords you want to rank for and choose an URL using the keywords you want to target. Then on text list, just add some text with your link or just your link, you can add more information if you want to make the page richer. Finally click on publish.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: YesKeywords in URL: Yes
On Mixx you will have to create a new account as you will be getting the link from your profile, use the keywords you are targeting as your nickname and once more separate them with an underscore “_”. After creating your account go to the Your account page and add your site’s URL on the “Have a website? What’s the URL?” field, click on submit and you are done.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: NoDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: NoKeywords in URL: Yes
On Reddit we will get a link from our profile page, so go and create a new account using the keywords you are targeting (remember the underscore “_” thing) and submit your website by clicking on the submit link. Add your website as if you were adding a normal bookmark, when you finish just click send.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: NoAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: NoKeywords in URL: Yes
The best thing you can do to get the most out of this links would be registering a new domain and linking to all this profile pages using the keyword you are targeting as anchor text, you would then have to get some links to the new domain to get some authority to it.
Esteban Panzera writes about SEO and Social Media Marketing on his personal blog
When getting links, the most important thing is to get them on pages that are relevant to our website’s content. Sometimes it can be difficult to get this kind of links, so what we can do is generate new pages that are relevant to our website’s content and link from them to our site. This way we would be getting one way relevant links, but the problem is that the new pages wouldn’t have any authority, so what we can use is social networks to accomplish this task. Here I will show you 7 social networks where you can get relevant links:
On Flickr, you can add links as a description of the images, and you can also add them to your profile page, but I would recommend the first option.To do this, you have to create an account at Flickr (or log in if you already have one) and go to Upload Photos, there you would have to pick the photo you would like to upload (this doesn’t matter, just make it public), and then choose a Title (your keywords here), and on the description you would have to add a link to your site using HTML.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: YesKeywords in URL: Yes
On LinkedIn you just have to create a new account and fill the details using the keyword you want to rank for on First Name and Second Name fields. Both mixed should make the keyword you want to rank for.After that just go to the My Profile tab and click on add website, there click on other from the dropdown and choose the Title and URL you want for your link.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content link: NoKeywords in URL: Yes
On Stage6 we will be getting a link from our profile page, but you can also get one from Videos, the process is more or less the same. First we will create an account and as username we will use the keywords we want to rank for (if it is more than 1 separate them with an underscore “_”). After you have completed the account creation click on the edit profile button and enter your link and any text you may want to add to the about page (the link can’t be added using HTML, instead you will have to use this [http://www.urlhere.com Anchor Text Here]).
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content link: YesKeywords in URL: Yes
On Del.icio.us, the social bookmarking site, we have to create a new account using as username the keywords we want to target. Again, if it is more than 1 word we have to separate it using an underscore “_”. Then just click on the post link and enter the details for your link, use Description as Anchor Text.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: NoKeywords in URL: Yes
On Squidoo create a new account (or login if you already have one), and create a new lens. As title use the keywords you want to rank for and choose an URL using the keywords you want to target. Then on text list, just add some text with your link or just your link, you can add more information if you want to make the page richer. Finally click on publish.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: YesKeywords in URL: Yes
On Mixx you will have to create a new account as you will be getting the link from your profile, use the keywords you are targeting as your nickname and once more separate them with an underscore “_”. After creating your account go to the Your account page and add your site’s URL on the “Have a website? What’s the URL?” field, click on submit and you are done.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: YesAble to choose anchor text: NoDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: NoKeywords in URL: Yes
On Reddit we will get a link from our profile page, so go and create a new account using the keywords you are targeting (remember the underscore “_” thing) and submit your website by clicking on the submit link. Add your website as if you were adding a normal bookmark, when you finish just click send.
Keywords on Title: YesKeywords between heading tags: NoAble to choose anchor text: YesDo-follow link: YesIn-Content Link: NoKeywords in URL: Yes
The best thing you can do to get the most out of this links would be registering a new domain and linking to all this profile pages using the keyword you are targeting as anchor text, you would then have to get some links to the new domain to get some authority to it.
Esteban Panzera writes about SEO and Social Media Marketing on his personal blog
Monday, February 11, 2008
How search Engines Connect Sellers and Buyers
Maggie knows how to find what she wants. She lets her fingers do the walking – not in the Yellow Pages, but at Google.com. She wants to learn about bread baking, and you have just written Bread Baking Made Simple, and you sell some great baking tools. The good news is the Google and other search engines exist for one simple reason: to help Maggie find your website.
Google will show Maggie 534,000 resources on "bread baking". Unless she fails to find what she wants on the first page, or top 10 results, she will never find your website listed 124th in the results. (Actually, if she does not find what she wants in the top twenty or thirty results, she is likely to refine her search to "easy bread baking" or "home bread baking").
How do you get into the top 10 results so Maggie can find your website? You might have heard a lot about "search engine optimization" and "ranking analysis" and "algorithms". It all sounds very complex, but it really works on a simple 1 – 2 – 3 principle.
1. A search engine will show Maggie only resources (websites) it has on record. So make sure to submit your site to the key search engines and directories. You do not need to hire somebody who will charge you big dollars to do this. Nor should you fall for any of the auto-submit software or services. This should be done by hand, and anybody can do it. You can do it yourself.
2. The search engine will rank highest those websites it feels are most "important". This means you have to show that your website is most important. There are a few simple things you can do. First, make sure you have content. Text content equals importance on the Internet. Links, both coming in and going out, are key. Connectivity equals importance on the Internet. Get listed in the major directories (DMOZ.com, Yahoo.com, Zeal.com, JoeAnt.com, etc.), as this also is a measure of importance.
3. The search engine will show Maggie the most "relevant" high-ranking resources. Google might rank http://TheHappyGuy.com relatively very high, but it is totally irrelevant to a search for bread baking. How does a search engine know which websites are most relevant for Maggie's search? By the number of times "bread baking" shows up in text on your web page. By the variety of ways it shows up on your page. By number web pages you link to and that link to you with the words "bread baking" included.
Are you ready to roll? Possibly. Some of this you can easily do yourself. But there are three places that are worth spending money to help all the Maggies out there find your website and your book.
The first is choosing the right keywords. It might look simple, but "bread baking" might not even be the best keyword phrase to focus on. It might be "easy bread baking" or "home bread baking". The most searched terms might not be the best, nor the term with the least competition.
The second is to prepare a link strategy. The "link exchange" pages that are getting more popular each day are also becoming less effective each day. Here are just a few of the linking factors that will affect whether Maggie discovers your book:
* The total number of incoming and outgoing links
* The importance of the sites you link to and from
* The relevancy of the sites you link to and from
* Which pages on their sites and on yours are being linked
* What you include in the incoming and outgoing links
* Where on the page the links are placed
* How many links are on those pages
* How many pages are linked to or have outgoing links
* The ratio of links to content on the pages involved
You can implement the strategy yourself, but it is worth hiring somebody to put it together for you. Ask the person what factors she would consider when building a strategy for you. If she does not mention several of the above, your money is better spent elsewhere.
Google will show Maggie 534,000 resources on "bread baking". Unless she fails to find what she wants on the first page, or top 10 results, she will never find your website listed 124th in the results. (Actually, if she does not find what she wants in the top twenty or thirty results, she is likely to refine her search to "easy bread baking" or "home bread baking").
How do you get into the top 10 results so Maggie can find your website? You might have heard a lot about "search engine optimization" and "ranking analysis" and "algorithms". It all sounds very complex, but it really works on a simple 1 – 2 – 3 principle.
1. A search engine will show Maggie only resources (websites) it has on record. So make sure to submit your site to the key search engines and directories. You do not need to hire somebody who will charge you big dollars to do this. Nor should you fall for any of the auto-submit software or services. This should be done by hand, and anybody can do it. You can do it yourself.
2. The search engine will rank highest those websites it feels are most "important". This means you have to show that your website is most important. There are a few simple things you can do. First, make sure you have content. Text content equals importance on the Internet. Links, both coming in and going out, are key. Connectivity equals importance on the Internet. Get listed in the major directories (DMOZ.com, Yahoo.com, Zeal.com, JoeAnt.com, etc.), as this also is a measure of importance.
3. The search engine will show Maggie the most "relevant" high-ranking resources. Google might rank http://TheHappyGuy.com relatively very high, but it is totally irrelevant to a search for bread baking. How does a search engine know which websites are most relevant for Maggie's search? By the number of times "bread baking" shows up in text on your web page. By the variety of ways it shows up on your page. By number web pages you link to and that link to you with the words "bread baking" included.
Are you ready to roll? Possibly. Some of this you can easily do yourself. But there are three places that are worth spending money to help all the Maggies out there find your website and your book.
The first is choosing the right keywords. It might look simple, but "bread baking" might not even be the best keyword phrase to focus on. It might be "easy bread baking" or "home bread baking". The most searched terms might not be the best, nor the term with the least competition.
The second is to prepare a link strategy. The "link exchange" pages that are getting more popular each day are also becoming less effective each day. Here are just a few of the linking factors that will affect whether Maggie discovers your book:
* The total number of incoming and outgoing links
* The importance of the sites you link to and from
* The relevancy of the sites you link to and from
* Which pages on their sites and on yours are being linked
* What you include in the incoming and outgoing links
* Where on the page the links are placed
* How many links are on those pages
* How many pages are linked to or have outgoing links
* The ratio of links to content on the pages involved
You can implement the strategy yourself, but it is worth hiring somebody to put it together for you. Ask the person what factors she would consider when building a strategy for you. If she does not mention several of the above, your money is better spent elsewhere.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
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