Monday, February 25, 2008

Top 10 Internet Marketing Tips For Your Home Based Business

1. Research, Research, Research.
Before starting any new business, find a market that is going to be profitable. Sit down, identify some of your areas of interest. Use keyword research to get to know the desires of your potential customers. Get to know your market well, and limit your investment until you know it will be a success.
2. Stand out from the crowd.
Don't choose a market that is already saturated if you are just starting out. Chances of failing are higher, and this can be disheartening. Choose a market that you can easily dominate, with competition that is either poor or limited.
3. Information marketing.
If you are able to produce a simple book that fills a need, this is a lucrative method of making money. E-books require no ongoing production expenses and can be an almost 100% profit margin.
4. Persistence and Discipline.
Internet marketing requires commitment of time to sit down and do some work every day. It does not need to be for long, but you do need to do it. Nothing happens with big dreams but no action.
5. Be an Expert
Get to know you niche well. Use forums to gain a better understanding. Write lots of articles and begin to get your name branded as an expert in that field. Submit blogs and articles to directories to start to create traffic back to your site.
6. Try before you buy.
When using pay per click or other forms of advertising write multiple campaigns. Test these for response before committing money to this. Target buyers only. Lots of visitors or clicks do not mean sales conversions.
7. Learn to write good copy.
There are lots of great books and advice out there to write compelling copy for your product. It must be attention grabbing and able to maintain interest.
8. Capture emails
List building is essential. Without this you are unable to continue to contact your target market to advise them of you products, or more importantly what benefits they offer them. Also, providing good quality content emails with information and advice (no sales) builds trust.
9. Joint Venture
There is no better way to develop cross promotion and get other people working for you than to establish joint venture relationships. By offering a fair share of the profits to owners of websites or complimentary products, you can significantly increase your profits with very little additional effort.
10. Knowledge is power.
There are many ways to approach internet marketing, but to be successful you need to have good systems in place. Find an honest and well known mentor, and consider purchasing a good quality education program. If you are new, do your research well as there is lots of misinformation out there as well as fantastic programs.

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